Ok but Why?

Why you ask? Well, because JavaScript sucks. And this is coming from someone who's been writing JS code for the past 3 years now. Nothing about this god forsaken programming language is any good. It's time to stop supporting this pile of garbage.

The problem isn't JavaScript in and of itself—but rather in how people use it. People try to shapeshift it into all sorts of things. There's this ever-growing idea that JavaScript can do everything, and it can do a lot.

Until it can't—and that's where people, instead of finding the right tools for the job, make wrappers for wrappers to wrap a browser inside another… to load JavaScript. The result is terrible perfomance, terrible load times and terrible user experience.

But someone naive enough might say: “but hold on—hold on! Isn't development faster this way? I mean you're cutting off hours of compatibility work, you're using framework(HTML5), and—” No, no it isn't. JavaScript is a terrible language, with poorly defined errors(“Uncaught TypeError: undefined isn't a function”), weak typing is a curse and classes are a joke…

If it hasn't been obvious already, I dislke JavaScript and worst of all: everyone(excluding me now) is forced to use it. I've had enough, I've grown tired of it. I've completely disabled the thing. No more JS, no more pain.

But you still write JavaScript?

Yes, all the time!… I mean yeah sometimes—no yeah unfortunately. It won't leave the web now, but the first steps are a necessary in fighting this god forsaken demon. Or, maybe, I've gotten too comfortable with Node.JS and scrappy code.

Oh well, that's why this place exists. And why I've resorted to just mumbling online instead of harassing my friends at 3:00 AM with random internet facts(sorry). Thank you for your attention and your thoughtful reading.